Jimmy Wilson Fishing

In 2004, Jimmy Wilson took a chance and began tournament fishing on a part-time basis. Upon retirement, he decided to fulfill his passion full-time. When he decided it was time to build his professional brand online, Jimmy came to us for advice and help getting his website set up right. Jimmy had a site built that he thought he could build and maintain himself, but soon realized it was hard to get that professional appearance.

In 2017, Broadstreet helped Jimmy by moving the site to Drupal. We signed him up for monthly digital marketing support, where we now maintain and update his website content as he needs us to. With the easy functionality of Drupal, Jimmy is in a great position to manage and update his content himself if he ever needs to. 

Jimmy has grown as a professional fisherman so much in the past year. He is now traveling from South Carolina to Tenessee and New York for tournaments, he has 12 sponsors and a packed tour schedule throughout the year.

This professional fisherman in the small, rural town of Wagener, South Carolina continues to see the power of investing in his on-line presence, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

We offer free consultations to help determine which internet marketing solutions are right for your business and your goals. 

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