November 2008

As predicted, President-elect Obama will use YouTube in addition to radio to deliver his weekly address to the nation. This will be the first time that a President-elect will use online video to deliver his weekly message.

Read more here:


President-elect Obama is looking to create a position for Chief Technology Officer.  This is a good thing.  Frank Greve at McClatchy reports that Obama will use new media in the form of YouTube in order to speak directly to the people, bypassing the various biased media.  This is a great thing, and will improve our democracy. 


One of the challenges of building a large Web site is getting the technical people to work with the graphic design and marketing people.  The city of Columbia, SC recently experienced this exact problem when the technical department unveiled their $107,000 web site just days before the marketing department was planning to launch their own $10,000 redesign of the site. 


Barack Obama has created as part of his transition to the Oval Office.  In addition, he has said he will appoint a Chief Technology Officer and will push to get broadband access to all Americans.  This is a good thing. 

Additionally, he has said he will have a five-day online comment period prior to signing any non-emergency legislation.  This is also a good thing. 


Up until today I was using BUEditor for editing this blog.  Functionality is fairly limited.  It seems more geared toward someone who is comfortable with HTML.  Now I've installed FCKEditor and this is my first post using it.  


I had a phone call today that a site that I support was not available and their was a very strange home page. After doing a research, it appears to me that iSKORPiTX; does this sort of thing from time to time, every 3-6 months or so. I found one place where someone said he attacked over 20,000 sites in under 24 hours. So what does he do?


One of the things that increases your "Google Juice" is "Link Love." I'm helping a friend build a Web site about Trout fishing, called I was explaining that Google and other search engines give high credibility to sites that have a lot of links to it, coming from other sites. He asked me how to get others to link to his site, which is a great question.