
One of the things that increases your "Google Juice" is "Link Love." I'm helping a friend build a Web site about Trout fishing, called I was explaining that Google and other search engines give high credibility to sites that have a lot of links to it, coming from other sites. He asked me how to get others to link to his site, which is a great question.

I found this article, talking about a new hosted blogging platform called I may have to check it out and see how it compares to my Broadstreet Blog.

I originally had a "slogan" for my site that was something like "Thoughts about Drupal and Doing Business on the Web." OK, but nothing to write home about. Then I thought of this one: Because there's more to life than pizza. Of course this is a reference to my New York Pizza Blog and the New York Pizza Finder. It really is a much clearer picture of why I'm doing this blog. I have really struggled with coming up with new things to say about New York Style Pizza.

I finally set my mind to several things I'd like to blog about, and then I realize I've got this "build-it-yourself" blogging tool called Drupal. I know that I want to insert images into my blog, and I want it to be as simple as WordPress or Blogger. My wife's blog, at, always has pictures in it. Valerie is not tech-savvy but has learned to use pictures to maximum effect.