Learning to Run Facebook For Business - FAQ's Answered

Getting Started, Unfortunately, Isn't The Hardest Part of Running A Facebook Campaign. Here Are Some Tough Questions Answered.

Are you a business owner who is finally starting to come around to the idea of using Facebook and social media for business marketing purposes? Or maybe your an employee who's been assigned this daunting task?

Because of how standard and easy facebook is for personal use, it's very common to attempt to manage your business account on your own. And it's very possible. But you have to be the type of motivated owner or employee who is willing to spend "down time" learning and improving your account, or everything you do will be for nothing. Just like AdWords, Facebook is a platform where it can be very easy to waste time and money if you don't know what you're doing.

Broadstreet Consulting has been helping businesses with social media marketing for over 5 years, and we can help you get started. Schedule a free consultation today or read the answers to our most common FAQ's below.

1. Can I Run a Facebook Marketing Strategy For Business On My Mobile Device?

Yes you can. There are actually 2 apps that make this possible - 3 if you include logging in on Chrome - but there is only 1 that we recommend. 

A lot of times you can use the same Facebook app that everyone uses for personal accounts to make simple posts to a business page that you manage. But sometimes you will run into issues with this method and it's not recommended, especially if you are wanting to get into paid advertising.

The method we recommend for managing your Facebook business account on a mobile device is the Facebook Pages Manager app. This app will allow you to manage multiple accounts if you want, it will show you more insights and give you more options for your business account.

2. How Can Facebook Help Me Get More Customers?

Being on social media such as Facebook connects you directly with your audience, the same way you would if you were to attend a networking event. The benefit - it can be free, you don't have to travel, and you can connect with them 24/7. 

By posting on social media you are getting your message and your brand in front of people who are interested in you, your products, or something related to that. They can comment on your posts and you can respond, making communication easier than ever. They can leave reviews for others to see and share your content and promotions on their own social pages, exposing you to an entirely new group of potential customers.

No business owner will deny that customers like to feel valued & heard. Facebook is probably the easiest way to provide them with direct access to you and your business, giving them the opportunity to make a genuine emotional connection with your services. You can post photos, links to your website, videos, events and more to keep your audience engaged and feeling like they know you as a friend. This connection inspires brand loyalty, and brand loyalty leads to sales.

3. Does Facebook Help Increase Search-Engine Optimization (SEO)?

A lot of people don't realize this, but Facebook and other forms of social media marketing directly impact your SEO strategy. 

SEO is one of the most critical jobs your digital marketing strategy should cover. SEO determines where your brand shows up in search engines such as Google & Bing (this is called rank). A huge part of determining your rank involves web traffic, keywords and relative links. Social media is one of the best and easiest ways to build links back to your website and increase traffic. When you write an article for your blog or post a new product and it’s shared by your followers, this creates backlinks and drives traffic to your site, which helps your SEO.

Social Media platforms such as Facebook not only give you the ability to drive more traffic to your website by sharing links, they also give you more opportunity to rank in the search engines.

If you search for your business on Google, how many links appear in the search results directly related to your business? Let's say you have a website but no social media, you probably have about 1 link, maybe a few more if you have really well written pages on your website. Now imagine that you have a Facebook account, a Youtube account, an Instagram account, a Pinterest, a Linkedin, etc. Now when you search for your business name, you are way more likely to take up the top 6 positions in Google. Depending on competition, traffic and activity level, some business’ social media accounts will also come up on the first page of Google for relevant keywords. This creates an opportunity for people to see more than just your website. And if you have a strong call to action and relevant information on your ranking social media page, then you make it easy and enticing for people to get in touch with you.

4. Can I Target A Specific Audience on Facebook?

Social media platforms such as Facebook have the ability to gain a very strong understanding about what their users like and don't like, and then segment them into interest and demographic based audiences. If someone regularly engages with content related to careers & education, it’s likely this person would be interested in vocational education and career service pages.

Facebook allows you to use this information to target specific audiences within your page's settings. They often give their users suggested pages to "like" and follow, and you can choose what type of user you would like your business page to show up for. You can also use this audience information when you create your paid advertisements. Your ads can be highly targeted to specific users based on location, age, interests, relationship status, income and more.

Another method of targeting that Facebook allows is email-based. You can now upload a database of your email subscribers and just target ads to your subscribers if you choose to. They are constantly updating & improving their targeting options.

Have More Questions? Want Help with Facebook Ads? Learn more about our Social Media Marketing services.

We can set up and manage social media platforms and targeted Facebook Ads for you, so you get your message in front of your ideal prospects and customers.

We offer free consultations to help determine which internet marketing solutions are right for your business and your goals. 

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