Increase Your EdgeRank on Facebook Pages


Sure.... your customers like you.

Your friends like you.

Your mom likes you.

But does Facebook like you?

Edgerank is Facebook's way of "liking" you.  Edgerank is a search ranking algorithm designed to help Facebook choose which posts should be placed on a person's feed.  

Creating a business page and updating your status does not necessarily mean all your fans will see that status update in their wall feed. The default view for all personal facebook accounts is the Top News view rather than the Most Recent view.  The Top News will show the updates that Facebook has determined the viewer is most interested in.

There are several things you can do that will increase the chances of your page landing in the status stream on a person’s facebook page.
Post a video with your update.  Posting a link doesn’t help that much anymore, but photos and videos are still effective. If you don’t have a video to upload from your site, you can go to any video site like vimeo or youtube and get the embed code.   Include that embed code right in your status update.
Post a photo with your update. A small thumbnail will automatically appear if you include a link in your update, but simply using the thumbnail is not as effective as using a different photo. Using the “Upload a photo” button is much more effective. Either load a photo from a file on your computer or you can go to your website and take a screen capture photo and upload it to facebook. 
Post an update that will encourage your fans to interact with your update. If it’s not interesting to you, it’s probably not interesting to them either.  Interaction includes when a fan clicks “like” or “share” or clicks the thumbnail, clicks through to your page, or comments, etc.  Comments carry the most weight -- asking a question is usually very effective. The more popular your update, the stronger the edge rank and the more likely it will get into the Top News feed on your fan’s wall. Everytime a fan interacts with an update, it increases the edge.
Post daily if possible. The frequency of activity on your page will increase your EdgeRank. Having said that, you don’t want to post too often. You’re a business, not a “friend” and facebook users will just get annoyed and block you if you fill up their feed with your updates.  Also, don't let the pressure of posting daily cause you to post dry, boring updates.  You have to up the awesome, social media marketing loves awesome and is brutal on boring.