Free Drupal Training Offered by Broadstreet & IT-Ology

We at Broadstreet are happy to announce that, in conjunction with IT-Ology, we are offering free training for Drupal, the open source content management system used to power some of the world's largest websites.

The class, Introduction to Drupal, will take place on Saturday, October 12, 2013, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the IT-Ology training center on 1301 Gervais Street in Columbia.

The course will be led by SC Drupal User Group leader Tom Sliker, and will cover an overview of Drupal as well as more advanced site building topics. By the end of the training each student will have their very own, fully functional Drupal website.

To sign up for the class, please visit


About the Author:

Tom Sliker

President / CEO / Lead Consultant

Tom Sliker serves as the ringleader for the Broadstreet team and has managed to build a diverse, talented, multi-faceted team that has performed a wide range of projects.   With over 30 years of software development and integration experience, Tom brings a wealth of technical and business knowledge to his customers and his team.