Why You Need a Google+ Page

Yesterday I told you that you should get a Google+ page.  I told you I decided my customers need a Google+ page.  They are kicking and screaming, but I am taking them there anyway.

Today, I'll tell you why.

I set up a Google+ page for Dry Clean Delivery Inc. yesterday afternoon, and around 8:00 this morning, I posted a link to them on my personal Google+ page, mentioning their name in my post and linking to their spanking new Google+ page.

By 8:41, a stranger had posted on my comment with a question.

At 12:30 pm, I Googled "dry clean delivery, charlotte." In the search results, Dry Clean Delivery Inc. was the first paid link.  There were two more paid links. 

The very first UNPAID organic search result, was Dry Clean Delivery Inc.

Guess what the second unpaid organic search result was?

My Google+ post I had posted 4 hours earlier.

In 4 hours or less, my Google+ post was 2nd in the organic search results.

Tell me again:  Why aren't you on Google+?

For help setting it up:  How to Set Up Your Google+ Page