Help Determine Priorities for Obama's C.T.O.

President-elect Obama is looking to create a position for Chief Technology Officer.  This is a good thing.  Frank Greve at McClatchy reports that Obama will use new media in the form of YouTube in order to speak directly to the people, bypassing the various biased media.  This is a great thing, and will improve our democracy. 

The Presidents Weekly Radio Address is currently limited to five minutes.  A youtube version would have no limits.  This is so much better than trusting the sound bites that the media elite choose to let us hear. 

So what should be the most important issues for a new Federal CTO?  You can help decide that yourself by going to  This is a Digg-like site that let's people add their own issues and then vote.  The current leading issues?  Ensure the Internet is widely accessible and network neutral is currently number 1. 

Go Vote for your highest priorities!

About the Author:

Tom Sliker

President / CEO / Lead Consultant

Tom Sliker serves as the ringleader for the Broadstreet team and has managed to build a diverse, talented, multi-faceted team that has performed a wide range of projects.   With over 30 years of software development and integration experience, Tom brings a wealth of technical and business knowledge to his customers and his team.