September 2008

I finally set my mind to several things I'd like to blog about, and then I realize I've got this "build-it-yourself" blogging tool called Drupal. I know that I want to insert images into my blog, and I want it to be as simple as WordPress or Blogger. My wife's blog, at, always has pictures in it. Valerie is not tech-savvy but has learned to use pictures to maximum effect.


I had the opportunity to speak to the Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce's Information Technology Council this past Tuesday. I was very appreciative of Kurt Hamm and the rest of the group for giving me the opportunity to speak about Web 2.0 in the Enterprise.

Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing some of the point I made during my presentation.



One of the things that ProStores uses as a selling point is their integration with eBay. I was telling someone recently that I wasn't happy with the integration, and they pressed me for details and I couldn't remember. So I did a little research and refreshed my memory... On the issue of eBay Stores integration, here are some facts to consider: - You can import products from eBay, but the data will need to be "enhanced" once it's in ProStores. There are fields in ProStores that don't exist in eBay (such as Short Description).


I was looking around my blog site today and realized that my friend MCarnell had not only created an account for himself but also left a comment on my blog. I had not been notified. There's no doubt that when compared to WordPress, Drupal needs a lot more work to get a decent blog site running. On my Pizza Blog, I am notified every time someone posts a comment on my blog. I want the same functionality on this blog.


I am loading an online store with several hundred product images. Unfortunately, all images in the vendor's catalog CD is all in tif format. The images are huge and need to be converted to JPG. ProStores does not allow you to upload tif for product images, and now that I know how huge they are I wouldn't want to anyway. I went to and found a free product that might do what I needed. I needed to convert several hundred images from tif to jpg, and I'd like to re-size them while I'm at it.


I've been coding HTML for over 12 years and today reminded me that it's never too late to learn something new. I don't know why I didn't know this but today I watched someone code an HREF adding a Target="_blank" to the tag in order to make the link pop up in a new window. It was on a SharePoint site, so I thought maybe it was a Microsoft-specific thing. No, said the person coding it. I was amazed.


I've created this blog in Drupal 6.3, so some of my comments may not apply to older versions of Drupal. One of my goals with this blog is to build it out into a very useful blog that a WordPress or Blogger user would be happy to use it. Out of the box there are a lot of weaknesses. First on the positive side, I was able to install and configure the software in less than an hour and five minutes later I had my first blog posted-- not bad. On the down-side, I was pretty limited in what I could do.


I read something a few months back about a module, Masquerade, that let's a Drupal administrator impersonate other users. This is very useful when testing. You want to be able to see what an anonymous user would see or what a "contributor" can see, etc., which hopefully is just a subset of what the Administrator can see. The masquerade module has no documentation that I could find. Yes, it is pretty simple but still a little quirky.