slikerm's blog

The Benefits of Working with a Google Partner

Submitted Thu, 05/21/2020 - 09:29 Marjorie Gates

If You're Looking for the Best Place to Start, Start Here.

During times of uncertainty, it can be hard to decide how much time and money to invest in moving your business online. Making decisions, such as choosing who to work with, how much to pay, what platforms you should focus on, how to get a return on your investment, and more can be overwhelming.


Proven SEO Strategies for Local, Small Businesses Across the U.S.

Submitted Wed, 04/01/2020 - 10:28 Marjorie Gates

How To Improve the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on Your Website

A lot of local, small businesses across the U.S. have been hiring us for SEO improvements and updates. No matter where you are located, our proven strategy for SEO success can land your website in the top of the local search results for target keywords.


Learning to Run Facebook For Business - FAQ's Answered

Submitted Mon, 02/26/2018 - 15:13 Marjorie Gates

Getting Started, Unfortunately, Isn't The Hardest Part of Running A Facebook Campaign. Here Are Some Tough Questions Answered.

Are you a business owner who is finally starting to come around to the idea of using Facebook and social media for business marketing purposes? Or maybe your an employee who's been assigned this daunting task?

Because of how standard and easy facebook is for personal use, it's very common to attempt to manage your business account on your own. And it's very possible. But you have to be the type of motivated owner or employee who is willing to spend "down time" learning and improving your account, or everything you do will be for nothing. Just like AdWords, Facebook is a platform where it can be very easy to waste time and money if you don't know what you're doing.

Broadstreet Consulting has been helping businesses with social media marketing for over 5 years, and we can help you get started. Schedule a free consultation today or read the answers to our most common FAQ's below.

5 Major Factors For Consistency in Google AdWords Conversions

Submitted Tue, 11/07/2017 - 10:20 Marjorie Gates

Consistently Increase Your Conversion Rate With These Simple Google AdWords Solutions

Are you struggling to consistently meet a benchmark you've set for your monthly conversion rate on Google Adwords? It's not a great feeling when you continue to put hours of work into your Google AdWords PPC account, only to find the number of monthly conversions rising and falling. You can attribute this to seasonal traffic, holidays, back to school or anything else - but the reality is that there are ways to help find consistency in your numbers.

5 Tips for Succeeding in Google AdWords

Submitted Fri, 09/15/2017 - 12:16 Marjorie Gates

Learn how to set up a new Google AdWords account for success

In my 4 years of working with Google AdWords, I’ve had plenty of time to make mistakes and learn from them - over, and over and over again. Through mistakes, thorough research and training, I’ve been able to gain a basic understanding of how to set up a new Google AdWords account for success.

1. Customized Landing Pages

Creating custom landing pages can be a lot of work! It’s easy to skip over this step - decide to get back to it later, or settle with what you currently have for a landing page. But that, my friend, is a huge no-no!

5 Key Steps To Getting Your Home Business Found Online

Submitted Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:37 Marjorie Gates

With over 28 million small businesses in the U.S. - more than 52% of these small businesses are home based, according to the Small Business Administration

If you are considering or are in the process of starting a business from home, it’s crucial to get your business found online in order to set yourself up for success.

Related: Build an Online Business Strategy for Long-Term Revenue Growth


Immediate Success in Google AdWords

Submitted Tue, 03/21/2017 - 15:41 Marjorie Gates

After months of preparation, on March 1 we took a new client live on Google AdWords. After 2 weeks, they called us and asked us to almost double the budget. 

According to the business manager, this business had already made enough money to cover their AdWords expense. To him, it was clear to see they had been wasting years and tons of money on Yellow Pages.  For years, YP.COM had been spending some money on AdWords with very little results and no transparency to what they were doing or what it cost.

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